Safety Features that Come With Your New Stairlift

A stairlift is a safety product itself, but all modern stairlifts come with a whole host of additional safety features. It can be difficult to use these features if you don’t know what they are. That’s why we wanted to take some time today to outline some of the industry’s most common safety features and how they pertain to your new stairlift.

Safety Restraints

Nowadays we’re all familiar with safety harnesses, but there was a time when they were an afterthought (anyone remember riding in a car without seat belts?). The Maryland stairlift rental industry has followed the lead of the auto industry and made seat belts and harnesses standard across all models. They should be worn whenever in use, as they can prevent falls and serious injuries.

Emergency Features

Along with a seat belt, every stairlift comes standard with a couple of emergency features. One of the most important of these is the motion-sensing emergency shutoff. If the stairlift senses anything in its way while moving, it should immediately stop. This makes sure that nothing can get wedged under it, and also makes sure that the stairlift can’t crush you should you happen to fall off of it. Nearly every model also has an emergency shutoff button that you can press should you ever need to stop the lift for any reason.

Battery Backups are Important in Times of Power Outages

No one truly understands the value of a battery backup until they need it. The power going out is just an inconvenience for most people, but for those of us who rely on stairlifts it’s more than just an inconvenience, it can be dangerous. Without the battery backup you could find yourself trapped on the second story of your own home. Even with the battery backup you should still use your lift sparingly, you don’t know how long your power will be out and you don’t want the battery to die.

Work With an Experienced Maryland Stairlift Rental Company

Here at Freedom Mobility, we’ve been providing stairlift rental services to Maryland for years now, and have learned a few things along the way. We’ve also heard stories over the years of people who neglected to use their safety features, people who fell because they weren’t wearing their seat belt, people who disconnected their motion stopper and were injured by their lift, etc. We urge you to please use every safety feature you have at your disposal, they’re given to you for a reason.

If you have any questions regarding the safety features on your stairlift, or anything regarding Maryland stairlift rental in general, don’t hesitate, give us a call at (443) 251-3053 today. Our team of Maryland stairlift rental specialists are standing by and would be more than happy to help you in any way they can.

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