The Latest in Power Wheelchair Tech: Whill Ci

If you’re looking for something to stand up to non-level terrain, the WHILL Ci is the perfect electronic vehicle to get you there. 

From socializing with friends and family to exploring the great outdoors, the Model Ci empowers users to enjoy their world freely both indoors and out.

This personal EV easily disassembles into three pieces for increased portability, and can be controlled remotely with an iPhone app and Bluetooth

It offers ground clearance, the ability to climb over up to 2″ obstacles, and a 30″ turn radius.

Features & Functionality

Indoor Functionality:

• Compact size, short wheelbase
• Precise handling
• Turns on a dime

Outdoor Functionality:

• 2WD with superior traction
• Up to 5 mph, 10-mile range
• 2-inch obstacle clearance
• Disassembles into 3 pieces for increased portability
• Can be controlled remotely with an iPhone app and Bluetooth
• Easy to use mouse controller (brakes automatically when controller is released)
• Armrests flip up for simple transfer

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