Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

The summer is the perfect time to kick back, relax, and have a little fun in the sun. But for sensitive groups like seniors, the sun can also be dangerous. Whether you’re heading off on vacation or simply spending more time outside, here are a few tips to help seniors stay safe in the summer sun.

Stay Hydrated

One of the most important summer safety tips for people of all ages is to stay hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout your summer adventure, even if you’re going inside for periods of time. You can’t always rely on your body to tell you when it’s thirsty, so aim to drink about 6-8 cups of water every day. Coffee, alcohol, and soda should be limited during this time as they will not be helpful in keeping you hydrated. Quite the opposite, in fact!

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Sometimes hot is simply too hot. Before you head out into the sun, make sure the weather isn’t abnormally warm for your area. You can also check in with weather channels and websites to help you discern whether or not the temperature is dangerous for you. The hottest time of day is usually from 3pm to 5pm, so be extra careful in the afternoon.

Bring the Right Supplies

The right supplies can help keep seniors safe all summer long.

  • sunhat
  • A small fan
  • Sunscreen
  • Water
  • Important medical information such as emergency numbers and medications

Another item that may help you during the summer is a piece of mobility equipment like a scooter. A scooter can be used to help you move around without exerting yourself while also carrying important items in a basket. If you only want to use the mobility scooter for the summer, Freedom Mobility also offers a variety of mobility scooter rentals in Maryland.

Don’t Lose Your Cool

Summers in Maryland can be downright brutal with temperatures that can climb all the way into the 100’s. With humidity, this can feel even hotter. These temperatures can turn deadly for anyone, but for seniors, staying cool can be even more important. To ensure that you stay cool:

  • Take breaks from the sun indoors or in the shade
  • Wear appropriate clothing such as shorts and a sunhat
  • Use cooling cloths on the wrists, ankles, armpits, and neck.
  • Watch out for symptoms of heat-related illness including dizziness, weakness, headaches, confusion, red skin, elevated pulse, nausea, fainting, etc.

Make sure to check medications for side effects that may make you more susceptible to the heat and to sunlight as well.

Freedom Mobility is Here to Help!

Whether you’re looking for mobility equipment or aids to daily living, Freedom Mobility is here to help you. Give us a call today at (443) 251-3053 so we can discuss your mobility needs or stop into our showroom in Hanover. We’d love to become an extension of your care team today!

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