Meeting Your Mobility Goals with Freedom Mobility

If you or your loved one struggles with mobility, quality of life can decline and depression or loneliness can set in. Not being able to go where you want to can definitely be demoralizing and this can lead to adverse physical and mental effects. Rather than letting the struggle overtake you, let Freedom Mobility help. Meeting your mobility goals is possible with Freedom Mobility Solutions.

How Can Mobility Decline in Older Adults?

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, some of the first signs of mobility decline include losing the ability to run and the ability to walk for long distances. In instances of environmental barriers like busy streets, lack of access to resting places, hills, and and poor street conditions, this decline can be quite severe. Injuries, poor vision, and other physical health problems can also contribute to mobility decline. As mobility declines, mental health can follow suit. According to a study conducted by the Finnish Centre for Interdisciplinary Gerontology, there is a strong link between a decline in mobility and mental health. Depression and anxiety can often plague those who lack the ability to go where they want to.

What are Mobility Goals?

Mobility goals are exactly like they sound, their goals for mobility. With the aid of mobility equipment your loved one may be far more likely to meet their mobility goals, which will have positive effects on their quality of life and mental health. Some examples of mobility goals may include…

  • Going to a grandchild’s sporting event
  • Playing weekly games with friends
  • Enjoying solitude in nature
  • Cooking on their own
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Spending more time with loved ones

When you work with us here at Freedom Mobility, we will help you not only to meet mobility goals, but we can help you assess and define them as well. Then, with our expertise on the equipment, we can help you find the right solution for where you are and where you want to go.

Freedom Mobility Wants Your Loved One to Meet Their Mobility Goals

If you’re looking to improve the quality of life of someone with mobility problems, then give us a call today at (443) 251-3053. You can also drop by our Maryland mobility store’s showroom to give some of our equipment a try to see if it’s a good fit. We’re excited to help you!

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