How to Find the Perfect Mobility Scooter

Getting around can be a little difficult for those who are wheelchair bound, but it doesn’t have to be. Gone are the days when your only option was a manual wheelchair. Today you have many different options, and one of the best ones is the mobility scooter.

Modern mobility scooters can fulfill any need you may have and are available with countless customizations. If you think that a mobility scooter is right for you, then stop by our Maryland scooter store, and find the perfect model for you! But before you come in, there are some things you may want to think about.

Where Will You Be Using Your Scooter?

A mobility scooter is essentially a tool, and like any other tool, it only works best when used in the proper setting. Different mobility scooters work better in different situations. If you plan on using your scooter primarily inside then you may want one with three wheels as they are easier to maneuver around corners. If you plan on riding more outdoors then you should look at a four-wheeled scooter, and may want to consider larger wheels.

You Want to Be Comfortable

Above all else, you need to be comfortable in your scooter. You’re going to be spending a lot of time in it after all. You want to make sure that the seat itself is comfortable, but you also want to make sure that you fit in the scooter in general. The best way to find out how well you fit in your chair? To try it out yourself! Sure you can order a scooter online nowadays, but you won’t know if it’s the right one for you unless you’ve tried it out yourself. Come and try out some scooters at our Maryland scooter store.

You Want Something Portable

Inevitably you’re going to be traveling at times with your scooter, and if you have a bulky scooter it could be difficult. For this reason, many of today’s scooters are designed with portability and storage in mind. If you plan on traveling a lot you will want one that can either fold or be disassembled.

Work With an Experienced Mobility Solutions Specialist

Purchasing a mobility scooter is a very big decision and not one that should be made lightly. You need to make the right decision, and to do that you need to work with the right people. Here at Freedom Mobility, we’ve been helping people at our mobility scooter store for many years.
If you’re interested in a mobility scooter, or in any piece of mobility equipment, then don’t hesitate. Contact us today and one of our mobility specialists will be more than happy to help in any way possible.

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