How to Choose the Right Wheelchair

Whether you will be using a wheelchair for a short period of time or a long period of time, you need to choose a wheelchair that works for you. Everyone has different needs and there are different wheelchairs to accommodate those different needs. We wanted to take some time today to discuss the different options available in our Maryland mobility equipment showroom. 

What Kinds of Terrain Will You Be Traversing?

    While most wheelchairs can handle easy or smooth terrain, many falter when it becomes rough or hilly. Manual chairs are particularly susceptible to these difficult terrains, as it can become extremely tiring to maneuver through them. Power scooters or motorized chairs, on the other hand, can scale these obstacles with ease.

What Kind of Storage Requirements Do You have?

    Some people carry around a lot of stuff with them, others don’t. Just like people, wheelchairs have different levels of stuff they can carry. Some have baskets or bags and can carry a lot, others trade storage for sleekness or maneuverability. Another difference in wheelchairs is their ability to be put into storage. Mobility scooters and power wheelchairs are static, and can’t be made smaller for storage. Manual chairs can fold up and are perfect if you want something that can store away easily.

Don’t Forget About Comfort!

    No matter the terrain you plan to traverse or your storage needs, few things are more important than personal comfort. For some, this may mean one of our power wheelchairs or mobility scooters or it could mean a manual wheelchair or transport chair, all available in our convenient central Maryland equipment showroom. It’s important to talk with a skilled professional so your specific needs can best be observed when selecting the right wheelchair for you.

Let Freedom Mobility Help!

    Whether it’s terrain, storage, or comfort that take precedence in your mobility needs, our specialists in our Hanover, MD showroom can help address you or your loved one’s specific concerns. Freedom Mobility can provide you with the best in wheelchair support and guidance when you visit or contact us today.

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