Coping with a New Disability

If you’ve sustained an injury or are experiencing reduced mobility due to an illness or medical condition, you’re not alone. Though the territory you are charting may be new to you, there are millions of people who have gone through the same. Life may have changed, but your attitude doesn’t have to. Here are some helpful tips for effectively coping with your disability while still enjoying life to the fullest: 

Give Yourself Time

It is normal to feel negative emotions when you experience a disability for the first time. Even with all the support in the world, you still may end up feeling angry, sad, anxious, or overwhelmed. Recognize these feelings and be patient with yourself. Give yourself time to learn your new limits and work through the difficult emotions you may be feeling. Remind yourself that your attitude and outlook have an impact on your progress, and try to practice positivity in the face of challenges.

Make Adjustments

To avoid focusing on things you were able to do in the past that you can’t do now, make adjustments to fit your current life. This can include something small like waking up earlier to give you more time to get ready in the morning, to something big like adjusting your home to fit your needs by installing a wheelchair ramp or other home mobility equipment. Making adjustments will help you create a new routine and will help promote independence as you learn to adapt to your new disability.

Look for Support

You may be feeling misunderstood and alone, but there are people who want to help you. Stay connected with friends and family, join a support group or online forum for those with mobility concerns, or talk to a health professional. Now more than ever, it’s important that you have the support needed to make the transition to your new life as easy as possible.

Have the Right Equipment

Mobility equipment can make it significantly easier to cope with and adjust to your new disability. Whether that means renting a powered wheelchair or having a stairlift installed in your home, finding the mobility solution that’s right for you will make the transition easier while keeping you as mobile and efficient as possible. If you have a minor disability, a simple walker or rollator can be just what you need to safely get from place to place. If your disability is more limiting to your mobility, a lift chair or adjustable bed can provide the support and comfort you desire.

We Can Help You Stay Mobile

Navigating your world and doing the things you enjoy when you’re coping with a new disability doesn’t have to be a struggle. At Freedom Mobility, we are dedicated to keeping those with mobility concerns safe, comfortable, and better able to enjoy the best parts of life. Our Maryland mobility equipment comes in a variety of different styles and designs, so it’s easy for our customers to find a solution that best suits their individual needs. Call or contact us today to learn more.

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